Beauty - Health - Wellness
SRT Sessions
Swan, South of Broadway | Tucson, AZ 85711 | Office/Text: 520-327-4649
Karreen Martin, L.A.C., L.M.T., L.E., B.S., M.A.C.
Karreen Martin L.AC, LMT, L.E, B.S., M.AC
Citizen Potawatomi Nation ~ Healing Bear Woman (Clan)
Nadmage’ m ‘ko kwe
Karreen’s journey to spiritual awareness began as a little girl. Karreen could hear (clairaudient) and feel (empath) the subtle energies of the trees, animals, rocks, individuals and spirit guides. Karreen’s skills enhanced after the death of her first brother in 1999 and the death of her second brother in 2004.
Communicating with deceased family members and not understanding what was going on, led Karreen on a spiritual journey of discovery. Tarot the Pendulum and Spiritual Response Therapy were intuitive tools Karreen used to reach and connect on a higher vibrational spiritual realm.
Your subconscious mind already has the answers you seek. Making a connection via Tarot or Spiritual Response Therapy can answer your questions, concerns and provide internal clarity on the mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and holistic levels.
What is SRT and How can a person benefit from a session?
SRT is a form of spiritual healing on a mental, emotional, physical, conscious and subconscious level. We all experience challenges in our lives and, at times, we may feel we keep experiencing the same or similar situations over and over, but not with the same individuals. This is because we come into this lifetime to advance, learn and grow. Often we are unaware of patterns we keep reliving and recreating that keep us stuck. These pattern of disharmony can be cleared through SRT, and you can move forward to create a happier, successful life filled with love, happiness and tranquility. SRT is a powerful form of spiritual healing. Everything happens in our lives for a spiritual purpose. Clearing these blocks can allow transformation on many levels, allowing life to move forward, resentments alleviated, anger issues reduced and hurtful memories forgiven. Love is the key, forgiveness is the answer.
Karreen’s Tools of Divination
- Pendulum, L-Rods, Hearing, Seeing, Channeling: connection with one’s high self-committee in order to obtain information from the spiritual realms. The information and programs obtained can be cleared, removed and released.
- Tarot Cards: pick up the vibrational energies of those in need of answers, for direction and clarity
- Reiki, Chakra balancing, Acupuncture, Massage, Kinesiology: aligns the mental, physical and spiritual bodies
- Spiritual Response Therapy: (SRT) is a system used to find, identify and remove program blocks, belief systems and imbalances within the subconscious mind, that keep us from being and living a life filled with joy, happiness and success.
Every Soul has a specific journey on this earth. Through our (Akashic) soul records, (subconscious mind) we have the means to acknowledge, understand and let go of the programs and belief systems we no longer need or believe. By clearing such master soul programs or records, we can re-create a life we so deeply desire.
What is Ancestral Download? Can we really inherit behaviors, attitudes and beleifes from our Ancetors? Yes, this is all possible and so much more...Acknowleding, identifying and releaseing these patterns, habits, beleifs, perceptions and judgements from our Akashic records has the ability to transform our lives. Below are just some of the challenges we face in our life. What if I told you together we can clear them and you could be free of these self limiting behaviors or challenges? The list below is just a few challenges we may experience on this earth plain Sessions can be in person or over the phone.
Self-Sabotage, in our behaviors, attitudes, thoughts, experiences, actions
Self-Limiting ideas
Work or home challenges
Addictions: food, clothing, shopping, gambling, drama, trauma, sexual, chemical
Adultery `
Alcoholism: ask yourself why you drink, usually there are some feelings or thoughts we are trying to block out
Brain Damage
Manipulattion: crying, illness, stipulations
Depression: low energy, excessive sleeping, inability to process our emotions no matter how hard we try
Allergies: food, people, animals, life, self
Hate: of self, life, men, women, family members
Jealousy: of women, men, life, material goods, love
Illness : mental, emotional, physical
Injustices: life is unfair, situations are unfair, people are unfair
Murder: could be old life time energies or desires, family member murdered
Suicide: loss, thoughts of suicide
Relationships challenges: work, home, family, circle of friends
low self-esteem
Excess Weight
Control or controlling
Contracts, Vows, Promises unkept
Excessive Thoughts
15 minutes = $25.00 30 minutes = $50.00 45 minutes = $75.00
IF your interested in Learning the Art of Dowsing and the use of a pendulum: Class Times Below)
Karreen provides a 1.5 hour basic dowsing classes in her Tucson office the second saturday of each month. In this class Karreen will educate her students on the different dowsing tools available. You will have an opportunity to try out the different tools as well as learn some basic dowsing hints. This basic dowsiclass teaches you how to get "yes" and "no" answers. Tools: Y-Rods, L-Rods, U -Rods, Bobbers, Pendulums, Necklaces, Finger pulls/rubs, body waves.....Class Fee $20.00. (RSVP and pay in advance to ensure a seat)
Karreens provides a 2 hour Advanced dowsing class scheduled the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 2p to 4pm. Karreen will teach you advanced skills in this class. We will learn how to clarify our questions, receive answers to our questions with guarantees to the acuracy, truth, and clarity. Clairity and acuracy is of the utmost importance when dowsing.Enhancing your "yes" and "no" answers, how to check for percentages on acuracy, connections to source and guarantees you are recieving correct answers from source.
Karreen can connect with your higher self and subconscious mind to ask questions as to why you are experiencing specific situations. Our core beliefs create our reality. However, maybe you no longer in harmony with your core belief systems, taught by your family members, friends, and teachers. As we advance into adulthood, we start questioning why we might attract certain people into our space, why life is going this way or that. We can literally find out what program blocks and belief systems are running, in order to free the subconscious mind clutter of programs and patterns that no longer benefit or enhance our life, allowing soul growth and enhancement.
Session Benefits:
- Resolve and free the mind of continuous chatter regarding a certain event, situation or behavior
- Improve personal relationships or let go of unhealthy relationships
- Enhance your inner guidance
- Remove blocks to positive expression; love, work, success, abundance, self-worth
- Improve self-esteem and sense of purpose
- Resolve and let go of addictive behaviors or thought processes
- Freedom from limiting beliefs and programs of victimization, lack, pain, sadness and grief
- Stop excessive mind chatter
Pendulum (
Karreen is a Master Dowser and SRT Practitioner since 2000. Karreen uses her dowsing skills and knowledge to identify, acknowledge and release trapped emotions in the body, mind and soul levels. Releasing Trapped emotions allows the client the ability to move foreward in life, without the weight of the world holding them back. Emotioinal disharmonies have a way of weighing us down on so many levels. Fear, Grief, Loss, Depression, Saddness, Childhood Traumas...are just a few energies and experience that keep us from in the past. Releaseing old emotional traumas, gives the body, mind and soul permission to move foreward in life. Creating a feeling of lightness and calmness within.
"Dowsing is the exercise of a human faculty, which allows one to obtain information in a manner beyond the scope of power of the standard human physical sense of sight, sound, touch, etc.", Modern Dowsing by Raymond C Willey
The art of dowsing is used to ask the most spiritually sound questions to obtain the most accurate answers. Enlightenment is the major goal and focus of a session. Working with our high self and the high selves of others, we can enhance our lives and let go of programs and beliefs that no longer serve our purpose and mission in life.
When Inventor Thomas A. Edson, was once asked,
"what is electricty?" He replied:
"I don't know ~ but it's there ~ so let's use it".